To manually grant your agency or freelancer access to your Google Search Console account in 2023, you can follow these steps:


1.Go to the Google Search Console website and sign in to your account.


2.Click on the “Settings” button.



3.Click on “Users and permissions.”



4.Click on the “Add user” button.



5.Enter the email address of the agency or freelancer you want to give access to.


Select the level of access you want to give them (e.g. “Full” or “Restricted”).

Click “Add.”




It’s important to note that the person you are giving access to will need to have a Google account and will have to accept the invite for the access to be granted. Also, you have to make sure that the email you’re adding is the actual email used for the Google account of the agency or freelancer you want to give access to.

Once you have added the agency or freelancer, you can monitor and manage their access by going back to the “Users and permissions” page. You can also remove access at any time by clicking the “Delete” button next to the user’s email address.